Saturday, February 20, 2010

2/20/10 - Book list brainstorming session

Here's a list of books to consider as we come up with new nominations each month:
Michael Chabon
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
The Final Solution
Herman Hesse
Isabel Allende
The House of Spirits
J.T. LeRoy
The Heart is Deceitful Above all Things
Joe Meno
Hairstyles of the Damned
The Boy Detective Fails
Donna Tarte
The Secret History
Mark Haddon
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Brothers Karamazov
Thomas Pynchon
Gravity's Rainbow
Haruki Murakami
Wind-up Bird Chronicle
Hardboiled Wonderland & the End of the World
After Dark
Kafka on the Shore
Dennis Lehane
Shutter Island
Books in his first series
Mark Danielewski
House of Leaves
Bret Easton Ellis
Lunar Park
The Rules of Attraction
American Psycho
Chuck Palahniuk
Arturo Perez-Riverte
Club Dumonde
Kurt Vonnegut
Every goddamn thing he ever wrote
J.D. Salinger
Truman Capote
In Cold Blood
William Faulkner
Vladimir Nabokov
James Joyce
A portrait of the artist as a young man
John Steinbeck
Grapes of Wrath
Umberto Eco
lol jk


  1. The Arturo Perez-Reverte book I suggested is actually titled The Club Dumas.

  2. I would also like to suggest W. Somerset Maugham:

    Of Human Bondage is the more celebrated of his books but I prefer The Razor's Edge. Bill Murray is in a movie based on the latter so that might be fun as well. It's in my instant cue on Netflix. We could have a meeting at our place.

  3. Oh, and Faulkner's most famous book is The Sound and the Fury.


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