Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cryptogram on the bottom of the pages

I have been saying for a while that I was going to post this here. This is not the solution, just the words from the bottom of the pages put into paragraph form.

Qrerx'f frperg nqiragher
Guebhtu gur pybhql raqf bs uvf ovabphynef. Zvqfuvczna Qrerx Netb, ba jngpu pnhtug fvtug bs n funcr nzvqfg gur hapunatvat fcrpgnpyr bs gur uvtu frn. N tubfg fuvc! Jvgu vgf tevaavat Wbyyl Ebtre naq vgf znva fnvy synccat yvxr n ubjy Qrerx dhvpxyl fvtanyrq gur pnyy gb nynez. Ohg va n synfu gur tybijvat irffrg unq nyernql qenja nsg naq vauhzna unaqf jrer hcba uvz dhvpx. Orsber Qrerx, pbhyq jnea uvf fuvczngrf ur jnf obhaq gb gur vaivfxoyr znva znfg bs gur qnfgneqyl irffry xvqanccrg! Gur tubhyf tngurerq nebhaq erbql gb cyhaqre gur hafhfcrpgvat fuvc, gurve fhorefnaq tbyq grrgu ybbxvat srnefbzr. Qrerx, oenir naq gehr, pybfrq uvf rlrf naq ortna gb juvfgyr n qnevat zrybql juvpu oebxr gur phefr bs rnpu bs guvre tubfgyl vzcevfbarq urnegf. Gur cvengrf, abj yvxr qbirf, sryy gb gurve zarrf, naq gbtrgure, jvgu Qrerx unccl ng gur uryz gur fuvc qvfnccrnerq vagb gur punezvat sbt bs gur frn. Naq guhf raq bhe uvqqra nqiragher - nfghgr ernqre, vs lbh unir znqr vg guxf sne, cyrnfr fraq na r-znvy gb qrerx@chaxcynargobbxf.pbz sbe n frperg fbecevfr!

The key to this puzzle is A=N.
Have fun!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

5/8/10 - May Meeting: The Boy Detective Fails by Joe Meno

Assuming this date works for everybody, here are details for May's meeting:

Time: 1pm - whenever
Place: 3310 E. Mulberry Street

BYOB, a lawn chair if you have one & anything particular you'd like to grill. I'll be doing burgers/dogs & will have a few sides.

After we have book club, feel free to hang out. We have cornhole/bocce ball & likely do a campfire around dark.

If I feel squirrelly I may get a keg.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

4/3/10 - April Meeting

Awesome meeting today @ the Pub, AKA the restaurant with the world's scariest bathroom.

The good news is our agenda has basically turned into 3 items: discussion, nomination & angry fistfights.

Notes from todays' discussion about 100 Years of Solitude by Gabrial Garcia Marquez:

General discussion:
confusion of aurelianos & arcadios – at once makes for difficult reading but is intentional to reflect the cyclic aspect of human nature.

Supernatural reality – the mundane as fantastic and the fantastic is mundane.

Fatalism, pessimistic view of human nature. Non-family members living in the house without exception submit & are overwhelmed by the will of the Buendia.

City planning at first is very simple & easy. As more of modern civilization is introduced to the town, the worse conditions get. This is corollated more strongly when introduced by a Buendia family member. Religion, technology, politics, war.

Narration of the banana workers' massacre recited as an excellent example of the narrative poetry of the novel as a whole.

I'll make a new post when I find a location for our next meeting. Our book for next month is "The Boy Detective Fails" by Joe Meno.

Any objections to making it a May Day cookout/drunk fest @ my place? I have a frisbee, cornhole, & will have a fucking bitching kite by then. Plus grillin' drinkin' philosophizin' etc. etc.