Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cryptogram on the bottom of the pages

I have been saying for a while that I was going to post this here. This is not the solution, just the words from the bottom of the pages put into paragraph form.

Qrerx'f frperg nqiragher
Guebhtu gur pybhql raqf bs uvf ovabphynef. Zvqfuvczna Qrerx Netb, ba jngpu pnhtug fvtug bs n funcr nzvqfg gur hapunatvat fcrpgnpyr bs gur uvtu frn. N tubfg fuvc! Jvgu vgf tevaavat Wbyyl Ebtre naq vgf znva fnvy synccat yvxr n ubjy Qrerx dhvpxyl fvtanyrq gur pnyy gb nynez. Ohg va n synfu gur tybijvat irffrg unq nyernql qenja nsg naq vauhzna unaqf jrer hcba uvz dhvpx. Orsber Qrerx, pbhyq jnea uvf fuvczngrf ur jnf obhaq gb gur vaivfxoyr znva znfg bs gur qnfgneqyl irffry xvqanccrg! Gur tubhyf tngurerq nebhaq erbql gb cyhaqre gur hafhfcrpgvat fuvc, gurve fhorefnaq tbyq grrgu ybbxvat srnefbzr. Qrerx, oenir naq gehr, pybfrq uvf rlrf naq ortna gb juvfgyr n qnevat zrybql juvpu oebxr gur phefr bs rnpu bs guvre tubfgyl vzcevfbarq urnegf. Gur cvengrf, abj yvxr qbirf, sryy gb gurve zarrf, naq gbtrgure, jvgu Qrerx unccl ng gur uryz gur fuvc qvfnccrnerq vagb gur punezvat sbt bs gur frn. Naq guhf raq bhe uvqqra nqiragher - nfghgr ernqre, vs lbh unir znqr vg guxf sne, cyrnfr fraq na r-znvy gb qrerx@chaxcynargobbxf.pbz sbe n frperg fbecevfr!

The key to this puzzle is A=N.
Have fun!


  1. Will it spoil anything if we solve the cryptogram before we finish the book?

  2. I don't have the book with me but I am pretty sure the exclamatory second sentence should read:
    "N tubfg fuVc!"
    I'm almost 100% sure that is the case. I will check when I am home at lunch.

  3. Also. The very next sentence has an error as well. Should be "Jvgu vgf tEvaavat..."

  4. And another in the same sentence. "synccVat". In glen's defense I have his book!

  5. There are actually 10 more errors as well and a few missed commas. Jesus glen, I'm dissappointed.

  6. BURN him! or at least see if he weighs as much as a duck.

  7. Can I borrow someone's copy? The local stores and library are out of it and I don't know if I have time to order it and read it before the meeting. Pretty Please??? :)

  8. You're a mooch. Oh, wait, I'm borrowing Glen's copy as I had the same problem. Glen, can she borrow your book?

  9. Yeah, can I? Can I? Oh, and by the way- I was just kidding about that whole "burn him!" thing. ha ha. Just a joke. Those were crazy times and I think we can all agree that no one knew what they were just got a little out of know how it is...the heat of the moment...someone gets set on hard feelings right? .....

  10. I have no excuse; at lease I will claim none.

  11. I should be done with my copy by this weekend if Glenmike's copy is unavailable.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Weird. They just got a copy in at B&N today, so I'm going to go pick it up today. Thanks for the offer though!

  14. hmmmm. I think it's about time for me to start reading this here book. See ya all saturday.

  15. Repost from facebook;
    C26: 1-2-24-15-2-16-17 25--26-9-18-25 11-2-15-1-16,
    22-12-18 10-24-8-2 10-2 4-15-6-11.


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