Friday, May 21, 2010

Checking in with y'all

2 things:

1. Haven't heard from anyone regarding June dates. Colleen, I'd say just pick whichever one works best for you. (personally I vote for the 26th cuz I only got the book today)

2. How are you guys liking it so far?


  1. That's the only vote I've gotten so you win! The 26th it is. Also, just a note...what the hell was it that was falling on Billy's face when he turned on the light in his room (in 'boy detective')? The only thing I can come up with is maybe the liner of a florescent bulb flaking off...but doesn't he say it turns almost into water or something? Super weird :)

  2. I read it as a romantic interpretation of a grim reality: namely a dim, dusty, disgusting room in a halfway house, with dust & other crap in the air so thick it might resemble snow.

    Also, I just bought his new one along with House of Leaves when I ordered Kavalier & Clay =)

  3. Answering my own question: I'm about 100 pages in & really intrigued & surprised at the robust & vivid narrative given the relatively mundane subject matter. It's also kind of refreshing to read a "realistic" style given our last two novels were WAY on the other end of the spectrum.

  4. I like how you put "realistic" in quotation marks. Very appropriate. I read about 50 pages so far. We're going to Disney this weekby van so I should have plenty of reading time. Might bring it on some rides so I can read in line. Also the book will be going on an adventure of it's own!

  5. I'm also having to look up a word about once every 2 pages. This author's vocabulary is insane. Not that I'm complaining. It's still very readable.

  6. Finished!! The 26th sounds good for us. We will need directions and more info on what to bring to eat :)


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