Tuesday, February 23, 2010

March Meeting - The Pub, March 20, 2010 1-3 PM

Hi guys,

The formality of getting a room @ Central library kind of scared me. No fee but I have to sign an agreement & apparently they can shoot us if we get caught with booze.

But the Pub has a nice private room so we'll do that instead.


  1. Hippie librarians can't own guns. It's against their religion.

  2. Hippie librarians have to own guns to protect their libraries against anti-socialists and anti-progressives.

  3. I purchased the Spark Notes for the book, just so everyone knows. I will read them for the hell of it as well.

  4. Yay! I like the pub idea. Not so formal and not so far from my house as LS. Also I enjoy not being shot so it works on all counts for me. :)

  5. Rebecca and I will not be able to make the meeting as we will be going to Vegas that weekend to celebrate my dad's 50th birthday. But well be sure to offer some input in some way or another.

  6. well that's no good! That's like a fourth of our book club or more depending on what regular attendance will be. Should we try rescheduling? Either way we should give input of our schedules for next time. I know we'll never be able to accommodate everyone but it would help. :)

  7. I don't mind to reschedule, lemme call em back

  8. Did you call about rescheduling? That would be awesome especially since it will give us more time to read!

  9. I can't be there on Saturday either. I'm taking my girls to Virginia for spring break.


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