Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My First Big Post aka Details on Next meeting

Hello, book mates! Sooo, the meeting is the 26th at my house...hows about 1 pm? If you want to grill something fancy go ahead and bring it. Otherwise I'll probably pick up some burger stuff and fixins for you all. You'll just need to bring a beverage of choice and perhaps if people want to bring side items that would be rad as well. If we tally a list of people who are wanting to eat and who, if anyone, is bringing anything then it will help me prepare. Place to be: 1209 Stinson Ave. On west side near Howell Wetlands. 2nd house from the end of the street on the left. I suppose we'll eat, discuss, and then get drunk playing games or just staring at each other menacingly...while Gary complains about the music. Hope everyone is enjoying the reading! Talk to you all soon :)


  1. Good job!

    I want food. We will bring some. I will also bring beer to share. Probably a German wheat beer.

    If you play music via pandora Gary won't say shit about the music. Well, unless the artist is some hack like Jewel.

    80 pages left. I certainly hope the ending doesn't fuck up the whole thing like that first piece of crap I still kind of remember.

    Why is it every time I read a book I become even MORE introspective? Is it just the type of book we are reading? Maybe I'm just crazy. Or both!

  2. Have you gotten to the John Galt speech yet? Whoops I ruined it.

    (P.S. Ayn Rand fucking sucks)

  3. I can make brownies and possible potato salad (or just buy the potato salad). I liked the book though. Two thumbs up :)

  4. He certainly did not fuck it up. Very pleased.

    If there were a John Galt speech I am pretty sure I would have thrown up and never read another word by him. As it stands I will read other works by him. For sure.

    Ayn Rand does indeed suck. I have read about four pages of her writing and could not stomach anymore. I can't stand people that can't seem to comprehend that most people are stupid. Assuming that the population at large is capable of being rational is absurd.

  5. My problem with Rand is actually the opposite. She had a very pessimistic, condescending view of humanity & truly believed an intellectual meritocracy was a good idea. Objectivism is essentially a giant straw man argument. All of her villains are these obscene caricatures occupying positions of power so she can say, "See? This is what happens when you let the tards run the school. Fuckin' pizza parties every day." Personally, I think pizza parties every day would be an awesome idea.

  6. I'm not sure how I feel about the school statement. I think I will never read Ayn Rand because of that. Obviously she has no clue what is involved in running a school....

  7. Damn. I remembered this book was amazing but I forgot HOW amazing. Sheesh...I'm 3/4 done and am a bit overwhelmed and entrenched. looking up from my book I find it strange to not be in 30's/40's NYC. Good stuff.


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